A week ago I had just returned from the long-awaited return to my much beloved city of Aix-en-Provence.
For those of you who don't know, Aix was, and still is, my dream come true. It was my first true experience abroad (apart from Canada and Mexico, which I don't really count), my first experience in France (the country I had dreamed of for so long) and the place where I met my bestest friend Bea, and my true love, Jonatan.
Yeah, this place was and still is pretty awesome.
Jonatan and I jetted down there for a quick weekend to visit his sister, Alexandra, her husband, Felipe and their twin babies, Valentina and Victoria.
The babies are just 6 months and were the cutest! I hadn't seen them since right after their birth, so it was wonderful to see how much they have grown and be able to spend more time with them.
The whole weekend was just perfect. Short, but perfect.
Jonatan and I walked down the same streets we walked on when we first met. Payed visits to old friends, took drinks at the old cafes. It was as if nothing had changed, yet so much has changed in these past three years.
It felt so good to be "home" with the people I love, and reminded me again how lucky I am and how truly wonderful life can be.
cheesy cheesy cheesy! I know, but I can't help it! It's the South of France, love and life!
You can't get much better than that....

Jonatan and I outside of the bar/club IPN, where it all began