Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Cleaning

View from the summer house

We are in full Autumn mode here and the scenery is beautiful. Falling leaves galore and a gorgeous harvest sun.

We spent the weekend in Uddevalla again, had a special ceremony for Tage, and spent some time outdoors enjoying the sun that had been hiding for so long.

The days are getting shorter now, and the darkness is coming, so I am trying to soak up every ounce of light I can.

We spent Friday at the summer house in Ljungskile doing some good, hard, outdoors work, cutting down trees and clearing bushes. This was a first for me so I opted to be family photographer half-way through.

Hey, I'm still learning this Swedish rustic way of life ;)

The men taking down the tree

Maude and the dogs monitored the work


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spooky Spooky

Well I just wrapped up my second Halloween in Sweden and it was a success! Carved pumpkins with my AWC gals, had a blast at Linnea and Andreas' second annual Halloween party and even found the movie Hocus Pocus on youtube to watch! I have to say, European Halloweens are becoming a stiff competition to my American ones. Well, almost ;)

J and me as cowboy and cowgirl

Andreas as a Somali pirate, the other Andreas as Ipren (a Swedish pill equivalent to asprin) and Felipe dressed up as his wife, Alexandra