As some of you may know, I am a member of the American Women's Club of Gothenburg (a member of the Federation of American Womens' Clubs Overseas). I also have just been voted in as the new Programs Co-Chair of the Gothenburg Chapter and therefore am extra-excited to promote our upcoming charity event in May.
On Friday, May 21, at 7:00pm, we are hosting a wonderful evening of music, drinking and eating. How awesome does that sound?!
We are welcoming the world-renowned Yale Alley Cats from Yale University to serenade us for an evening while we raise support for the Bibi2Bibi charity- an organization helping disadvantaged grandmothers of AIDS orphaned children in Tanzania.
The event is at Örgryte’s historical Överås Mansion in Gothenburg and tickets must be ordered in advance.
Tickets are 300 SEK and can be purchased through our Plusgiro account 50 55 17-3.
For guest list purposes, be sure to include the number of people, and one or more names from your party in the message field. We must receive your payment before May 10 in order to hold your reservation!!
Venue: Överås Mansion, Danska Vägen 20 (click for map). Free parking is available at the mansion. If you're arriving by tram, take the #5 to Sankt Sigfrids Plan, and walk up-hill on Danska Vägen. The mansion is on the left, after approximately 400 meters. It is the first property on the left which has a large lawn looking out towards the street.
Here is a link to the event blog for more information: http://aidscharityconcert.blogspot.com/
The Yale Alley Cats: http://www.yalealleycats.com/
Bibi2Bibi: http://www.bibijann.org/
Överås Mansion: http://www.metodistkyrkan.se/overas/
AWC Gothenburg: http://awcgothenburg.com/
If anyone is in town and would like to attend--please let me know!!

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